About AllCounted
Nowadays online surveys are increasingly used as a tool for information or opinions. Our research shows that people communicate in two fundamental ways in terms of content and structure. One is fluid conversation with little or no predefined topic or structure — this is how people communicate daily in almost all activities. The other is communication with fixed topic and structure — this is where surveys come into play, and they are the only efficient method to collect and analyze data from a group of people. We strongly believe that surveys are such an essential way of human communication that they should be free and open to all. This belief is the foundation of everything we do and is why we are the only totally free and full-featured survey system on the internet.
We are a big believer in content sharing and believe that each survey can be a helpful resource to others. We think that the success of a survey should not be solely based on the proper design of questions, number of responses collected, and the accuracy of results. When permitted, a survey can be shared and potentially helpful to other people such as researchers, information seekers, decision makers, survey creators, and the general public. With this belief, AllCounted allows survey creators to share their surveys and results if they choose so.
We don't believe that survey participants are merely a data generation tool or that a survey is a one-time data collection process between a survey creator and participants. We believe that a survey is a social activity. Because of this, we provide various networking tools to participants and other users to enable them to interact, build relationships, and stay connected.
In short, unlike other solutions that only provide a fee-based tool for online surveys, some of which even pretend to be "free", we are a completely free platform that has integrated online surveys, survey resources, public opinions, and social networking into one system to serve and empower individuals, schools, non-profits, businesses, and governments. We don't have account types, feature restrictions, pricing plans, or trial periods. Everything in the system is available to our users with no limitations or restrictions and is always completely free.
Founded in September of 2015, AllCounted is incorporated in the state of Delaware and is headquartered in Rockville, Maryland, USA.