• 639
  • results
Insight into Business Owners and Training
  • 2017, 
  • United States, 
    • 75
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
Women business owners earn considerably less than their male counterparts. This needs to change, but before it can change additional research must be conducted into the reasons for this disparity. We are asking for your help so we can gather information on women- and minority-owned businesses. If you are a woman or minority business owner or both, please help us get a better understanding of what you want and need in order to grow your business. This short questionnaire will give us a snapshot ...
Insight into Business Owners and Training
Survey on Black-Owned Businesses
  • 2017, 
  • United States, 
    • 32
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
The following questions are aimed at measuring your current behaviors and attitudes toward shopping at black owned businesses. Please select the response which most accurately captures your perceptions and/or behaviors. Black-owned businesses are defined as businesses that are owned by someone who identifies as Black.
Survey on Black-Owned Businesses
We are a group of students who are studying Business with Marketing at the University of Ulster, Magee. The purpose of this research is to investigate the potential benefits and/or drawbacks of an American Coffee Chain opening franchises in Northern Ireland. Thus, we ask you to complete this questionnaire for us as part of our ongoing market research. Prior to completing this questionnaire, please ensure you carefully read the following - By filling out this questionnaire, you confirm tha...
Preliminary American Coffee Shop Questionnaire for Northern Ireland Market
Chocolate Perception Survey
  • 2017, 
  • Colombia, 
    • 43
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
We are students of marketing in the central University (Colombian University), and at the moment we are doing a study about the consume of chocolates with coffee insidein the market, having as reference that you are a person who consumes Chocolatinas, Could you help me with the following survey regarding the above topic?
Chocolate Perception Survey
Encuesta Mundo Wash
  • 2017, 
  • Chile, 
    • 7
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
"Mundo Wash, es una experiencia de lavado de autos, donde el cliente encontrará la mejor calidad en herramientas y servicio en un solo lugar, diferenciandose de la competencia, haciendo además la espera de este, la mejor de las esperas"
Encuesta Mundo Wash
El objetivo de realizar esta encuesta es determinar los principales factores que inciden en que un estudiante por egresar de la Carrera de Administración de Empresas decida crear o no su propia empresa, al culminar su carrera universitaria.
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables / Seminario de Investigación
  • 2018, 
  • Taiwan, 
    • 519
    • responses
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這是一份有關消費者使用EZ Table第三方平台預訂餐飲的問卷,第壹構面為您對於EZTable第三方平台餐飲預訂功能。第貳構面您對EZ Table搜尋成本的認知。第叁構面旨在了解促銷優惠對消費者的吸引程度。第肆構面合作餐廳服務品質的特殊性。第伍構面從EZTable第三方平台,預訂餐飲的風險認知。本問卷僅做研究之用,不涉及個人隱私請您安心填答,謝謝! 亞洲大學 經營管理系 指導教授 陳世良 博士 博 士 生 盧文正
Satisfacción de empleados en el trabajo
  • 2017, 
  • Spain, 
    • 2
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
Hola,por favor, invierte unos pocos minutos de tu tiempo para rellenar el siguiente cuestionario.
Satisfacción de empleados en el trabajo
Prueba 2
  • 2018, 
  • Mexico, 
    • 5
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
¡Hola!Esta encuesta es para conocer tu opinión acerca de las inversiones financieras.Sólo te tomará 3 minutos.
Prueba 2
Esta encuesta está dirigida hacia las personas para saber el grado de aceptación de esta nueva y novedosa micro empresa sobre enllantaje a domicilio
Encuesta para viabilidad de la creación de la empresa "Enllantaje Toshe"
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