Surveys by Subject — Philosophy
This page displays the surveys that survey creators chose to share with the public. Survey creators can also make surveys and results totally private and secure.
- 50
- results
prueba encuesta hector *PRUEBA1*
- 2021,
- Peru,
- 4
- responses
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prueba encuesta hector *PRUEBA1*
Топ Шлюхотреда
- 2021,
- Russia,
- 3
- responses
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Люди давно просят подать им топ годноты
Топ Шлюхотреда
The investigation of the impact of Digital Sound Broadcasting (DSB) in Gauteng; South Africa - final
- 2020,
- South Africa,
- 61
- responses
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Date:……………………..Dear participantMy name is Johannes Sekele, a Masters Philosophy (Engineering Management) student at the University of Johannesburg. The title of my research is: The investigation of the impact of Digital Sound Broadcasting (DSB) in Gauteng; South Africa.I humbly seek your consent through this letter to voluntarily participate in the research by completing the attached questionnaire. The questionnaire should take roughly five...
The investigation of the impact of Digital Sound Broadcasting (DSB) in Gauteng; South Africa - final
- 2024,
- Congo (DRC),
- 8
- responses
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Pattern recognition experiment 1
- 2017,
- United States,
- 14
- responses
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This survey will test your skills in pattern recognition, and study your ability to determine if a set of items has a sequence or not. The first section will give sets of items that have a sequence, and you will be asked to predict the next item in the sequence. The second section will give sets of items that may or may not have a sequence and will ask you to determine if any such sequence exists.
Pattern recognition experiment 1
Collaborative Leadership Model
- 2022,
- United States,
- 8
- responses
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To help the team understands Team Dynamics and Alignment.
Collaborative Leadership Model
Physics Outreach Questionnaire
- 2016,
- United Kingdom,
- 54
- responses
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This survey has been written to aid me in writing an assignment for my 4th year Politics, Perception and Philosophy in Physics module at University of Nottingham. It is open to all current and past student of physics at any university. It looks at your motivation to study physics with a focus on any outreach activities that encouraged you to apply. All responses will be anonymous and no personal information will be used in the assignment. Thank you in advance for undertaking this sur...
Physics Outreach Questionnaire
Umfrage zur Belastung durch Corona
- 2022,
- Germany,
- 12
- responses
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Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,durch neue Aufträge, Umstrukturierungen und flexiblere Arbeitszeiten, die während der Corona-Krise den Schulalltag begleiten, wächst mitunter der Druck zur Erfüllung der Aufgaben einer Lehrkraft. Gerne möchte ich dazu meine Zulassungsarbeit mit dem Titel ,,Corona und Lehrkräfte – Lehrergesundheit im Fokus'' anfertigen, die darstellt, inwiefern die Pandemie die Anforderungen an Lehrerinnen und Lehrer und die psychische Belastung erhöht hat. Dazu ist von Interessanth...
Umfrage zur Belastung durch Corona
Pengesahan Kehadiran Sesi Perkongsian Ilmu : Tajuk : 1) KPI Pembelajaran (LX) Bersama ELC Tarikh : 19 Julai 2021
- 2021,
- Malaysia,
- 88
- responses
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Maklumat ini sebagai Rekod Kehadiran anggota semasa menghadiri Program/SPI yang diadakan oleh Pengurusan. Sila isikan dengan lengkap untuk tujuan pengesahan kehadiran.
Pengesahan Kehadiran Sesi Perkongsian Ilmu : Tajuk : 1) KPI Pembelajaran (LX) Bersama ELC Tarikh : 19 Julai 2021