Search Results
This page displays the surveys that survey creators chose to share with the public. Survey creators can also make surveys and results totally private and secure.
- 78
- results
The STEP Project Survey
- 2018,
- United States,
- 34
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Few Family Medicine Residency Programs are modeling or training residents and medical students in Addiction Medicine in order to identify, reduce, and prevent problematic use, abuse, and dependance on drugs. This leads to place a greater emphasis on the need for more formal education in Substance Use Disorders (SUD). Doing so, we are aiming to close the gap beteween interventions and standards of practice in primary care.
The STEP Project Survey
DnD Play Your Cards Right
- 2023,
- United Kingdom,
- 31
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A quick survey to provide answers for my next session!
DnD Play Your Cards Right
- 2018,
- India,
- 50
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This a survey for all students who play some or the othe kind of indoor sport and wish that they had that facility offered to them. How bad do you want it? Does a new indoor sports cum cultural facility excite you, answer the survey and help me find out!thanks in advancehave a nice day
Indoor Golf Entertainment
- 2021,
- United States,
- 32
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Hello all,First off, I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to take my survey. Each of you has had tremendous effect on my life growing up in your own way and your opinion is valuable to me. All of you are close friends, family, and friends I haven't spoken to in some time. I consider you all equal and would ask that you keep this very simple moving forward as we press on, hopefully accomplishing this goal. Answer the survey, feel free to reach out, and of course I would love to answer an...
Indoor Golf Entertainment
Smart Step Family Small Group Survey
- 2021,
- United States,
- 2
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Hello! Next Tuesday, 4/20, will be our last Small Group Session. We want to thank you for your commitment and participation! Since this is a Bonus Week, we have a couple of options for topics and would like your input. We also want your opinion for future Small Group Sessions. Attached is a short survey which will help us with planning our last week, and moving forward with other sessions.Thanks in advance for your input and honesty.
Smart Step Family Small Group Survey
KEYSA REP/DEV Indoor Winter Season Survey
- 2022,
- Canada,
- 22
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Hello Everyone,We are hoping you would answer a few questions regarding the KEYSA Indoor Winter REP Season that we just had. We appreicate your time and your feedback. Thank you from KEYSA
KEYSA REP/DEV Indoor Winter Season Survey
Survey of Use of Indoor Tanning Beds
- 2016,
- United States,
- 21
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Thank you for taking this survey! This is part of a project for my Public Relations Research Design class, and I appreciate your help!
Survey of Use of Indoor Tanning Beds
KEYSA Fall Indoor House Program 2022 Survey
- 2022,
- Canada,
- 41
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Hello Everyone, We know everyone is very busy getting ready for the holidays, but we are hoping you can take a couple minutes out of your schedule to answer a few questions about our Indoor House Program. Thank you,KEYSA
KEYSA Fall Indoor House Program 2022 Survey
Next Level You Survey part2
- 2020,
- United States,
- 11
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Hours were spent to prepare for our session, I only need 60 seconds of your time to answer the survey. Tell us your thoughts and help us prepare for our next session!Page 1 is about the session.Page 2 is for a quick review.
Next Level You Survey part2
- 2020,
- United States,
- 1
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HI PET PEOPLE!Looking for a market of people who may be interested in the idea of an indoor dog park in Mesa that offers grooming, doggie daycare, and boarding! We would like to get an idea of people interested in the benefits of a large indoor dog park! your feedback is GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!