• 49
  • results
Greetings,The Federation of Kenya Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (FKPM) is in the process of developing its five-year Strategic Plan. FKPM is seeking to gather input and feedback from its key stakeholders in a bid to position itself to execute its mandate. You (or your organization) has been identified as an important stakeholder of FKPM and are consequently invited to participate in FKPM’s strategic planning process by responding to the 8 questions that follow. The results will be presented in an...
FKPM Stakeholders' Questionnairre - Strategic (2025-2029) Development
Staff Survey - RCL Strategic Plan (2025-2027) Development
  • 2024, 
  • Zimbabwe, 
    • 5
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
Dear RCL staff member,As you might be aware, RCL has embarked on developing its Strategic Plan (2025 - 2027). As part of the strategic plan development process, you are hereby invited to take about 20 minutes of your time to complete this survey. The survey is anonymous and the responses will be presented in an aggregated format. The deadline for response is 22ndJune 2024. Should you have any challenges in completing the survey, please let me know via joe.maina@jeypent.com. Thank you in advance ...
Staff Survey - RCL Strategic Plan (2025-2027) Development
New Mexico Arts (NMA) 2024-2029 Strategic Plan Feedback Survey
  • 2024, 
  • United States, 
    • 1
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
Thank you for taking the time to review the New Mexico Arts (NMA) 2024-2029 Strategic Plan and offer your feedback. We have structured the plan as a document of our foundational goals and values to guide our current programs and projects and to help identify future ones. New Mexico Arts worked in collaboration with SV Pratt Creative Strategies to develop the agency’s five-year plan with input from stakeholders across New Mexico, feedback from colleagues and peers around the country, consideratio...
New Mexico Arts (NMA) 2024-2029 Strategic Plan Feedback Survey
  • 2024, 
  • Argentina
  • ,  Google Translate
Colegio San José - Viaje de Egresados A-B
  • 2024, 
  • Argentina, 
    • 1
    • responses
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Tandil 2025
Colegio San José - Viaje de Egresados A-B
Plan zajęć
  • 2024, 
  • Poland, 
    • 3
    • responses
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Witam,Poniższa ankieta pozwoli nam lepiej dopasować plan zajęć do wymagań słuchaczy.Dominik Zakrzewski
Plan zajęć
2025 : abbiamo salvato l'economia
  • 2020, 
  • Italy, 
    • 18
    • responses
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Crises are often able to change deeply the socio-economic environment they hit. It is licit to expect the same from the one we are facing now.Reactions that will follow, as individuals, communities and in the political sphere, will determine how we will come out from this. What can we expect to happen?Questions are intentionally very generic in order to let the reader's ideas turn up. The main context is the economic one, hints from other disciplines are well accepted.
2025 : abbiamo salvato l'economia
2024 / 2025 Sales Targets
  • 2024, 
  • South Africa
  • ,  Google Translate
CPT is currently considering implementing an incentive scheme for employees who exceed their 2024 - 2025 sales targets by more than 10%.In order to do this, we would like to know what would motivate you as a possible incentive.Please review the options below and rank them in order of preference.We would also like you to consider the consequnces for Sales Staff who do not meet the 100% Sales Targets set as a team.We would like to reward where it is due and also hold staff accountable where necces...
2024 / 2025 Sales Targets
Thacker Family Reunion 2025
  • 2024, 
  • United States, 
    • 5
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
Did you enjoy Dad's 90th birthday earlier this year? Now I'm starting to look at locations for next summer's Thacker family reunion so need to know your availabilty.
Thacker Family Reunion 2025
Kapitän Saison 2024/2025
  • 2024, 
  • Germany, 
    • 1
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
Kapitän Saison 2024/2025
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