Search Results
This page displays the surveys that survey creators chose to share with the public. Survey creators can also make surveys and results totally private and secure.
- 97
- results
APG - Community Engagement Survey
- 2024,
- Kenya,
- 21
- responses
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Introduction:The Amboo Professionals Group (APG) is committed to supporting our community through the current challenges of backflow flooding and its impact. We value your input and want to ensure all voices are heard. This survey aims to gather your thoughts on potential solutions to these critical matters.Confidentiality:Your responses will be kept confidential. All data will be combined and analyzed anonymously to develop solutions for the upcoming Kadhiambo Community Engagement Meeting.Ins...
APG - Community Engagement Survey
Barnes Park Community Hub Consultation
- 2020,
- United Kingdom,
- 174
- responses
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As you will no doubt be aware, the Parish Council in partnership with Hasmoor and Grassland Big Local is looking to replace the existing sports pavilion in Barnes Park with a brand new community facility which will provide not only sports facilities but also facilities for the wider community. The project is nearing completion in terms of planning and design. The majority of the funding is also in place and is made up of grant funding, including a grant from the Hasmoor and Grassland Big ...
Barnes Park Community Hub Consultation
Late Night Events Survey
- 2024,
- United States,
- 72
- responses
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Survey for potential Late night events for Spring Term and beyond
Late Night Events Survey
North Park Chipotle Survey
- 2021,
- United States,
- 1
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This survey will be conducted by Chipotle Mexican Grill. During this survey, you will answer questions pertaining to your habits, and eating patterns. By completing this survey you will give Chipotle Mexican Grill a better understanding of the placement of a new Chipotle location right in your North Park neighborhood! This survey consists of 12 questions and will take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. Upon completing this survey you will give Chipotle a better insight into the de...
North Park Chipotle Survey
2019 Finals Events
- 2019,
- United States,
- 34
- responses
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Ladies, as you know we have more than five events listed in our rules. This allows our producers to have different events and also allows our contestants to have other events to compete in. The Tie-Down Mugging is a mandatory event, as it is the tie-breaking event for the 2019 season. We would like your opinions on which other 4 events we should have at the finals. The WRRA board of directors will discuss the results of this survey and use it to decide on which events to have this year.
2019 Finals Events
Cleveland Central Intergroup Events Survey - 2023 Retreat
- 2022,
- United States,
- 80
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The Events Committee is interested in hearing from you about our recent Retreat. Please complete the following survey.
Cleveland Central Intergroup Events Survey - 2023 Retreat
Events at Wooddale UMC
- 2021,
- United States,
- 17
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Hello, as we prepare for an exciting season at Wooddale UMC we would like your feedback on events happening at the church this year.
Events at Wooddale UMC
- 2023,
- United States,
- 3
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The Management of LEADERSHIP COMMUNITY SCHOOL understands the importance of constructive feedback from our dear Parents and Guardians. Please take a few minutes off your busy schedule to share your views and concerns through this brief survey. These responses would help us continually improve our services as a private academic institution.
Roselle Park Kindergarten Bilingual Program Stakeholder Survey
- 2017,
- United States,
- 14
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The Roselle Park School District is conducting a Stakeholder Survey to determine the needs of our community as we begin planning for the implementation of a Kindergarten Bilingual Program (English/Spanish) to open in the 2017/2018 school year. Students who enroll in the Bilingual Program will learn to read, write, and speak in English and Spanish. Please take a few minutes to complete the following survey:
Roselle Park Kindergarten Bilingual Program Stakeholder Survey
Current Events and Trends in Agribusiness
- 2024,
- United States,
- 1
- responses
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How would you rate your overall awareness of current events in agribusiness?
Current Events and Trends in Agribusiness