V2Ray的市场渗透率与用户画像调研 The Market penetration rate and Persona of V2Ray

2019,  Germany

和其它的网络代理工具一样,你需要在一台配置了 V2Ray 的服务器,然后在自己的设备上安装 V2Ray 客户端,然后即可流畅地访问互联网。

Same as other proxies, you need a proxy server which runs V2Ray. Then you can connect to internet through that server from you PC, mobile or other devices.

一个 V2Ray 服务器可同时支持多台设备,使用不同的代理协议访问。同时,经过合理的配置,V2Ray 可以识别并区分需要代理和不需要代理的流量,直连的流量不需要绕路。 

V2Ray supports connections from multiple devices at the same time, with optionally different protocols. In the mean time, the local routing mechanism can smartly proxy necessary connections only.


The editor particularly uses the international research service of which server are not set in China to protect your privacy.

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