Music that has storytelling

2024,  United States
Informed Consent:
Musical Storytelling and Relationships


Project Description: Music that tells a story, specifically those about real stories and experiences, are vital, providing both differing perspectives for listeners who can not relate personally, as well as a deep connection between listeners that can relate to the narrative. Through this survey, we are studying the affects of musical storytelling on listener’s relationships. 

For this survey, when we refer to music that has storytelling, we mean: Songs with lyrics that are inspired by real life experiences and feelings either experienced by the songwriter themselves or those around them. The stories in these songs have character(s), events, and plot, in comparison to songs that only have a general feeling being told. A popular example would be the song “American Pie” by Don McLean. 

Procedure and Risks:

I would like to use the information from this survey in my English 201 paper.  No personal identifiers will be used to ensure your anonymity. Please feel free to say as much or as little as you want.  You can decide not to answer any question or to stop the survey any time you want. 

There are no known risks associated with participation in the study.


It is hoped that your insight into the topic of my research will help me in my understanding of this issue and will help me succeed in my English course.

Cost Compensation:

Participation in this study will involve no costs or payments to you.


All information collected during the study period will be kept strictly confidential and will be destroyed after the project is completed. No publications or reports from this project will include identifying information on any participant without your signed permission, and after your review of the materials.  By continuing to the study, you agree to the above conditions. Thank you for your time. 

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