The Candidate Measures for Assessing Ontology(s) Reusability*


The candidate measures for assessing ontology(s) reusability

I would like to invite you to consider participating in this research project to investigate the candidate measures for assessing ontology reusability by filling out this questionnaire, which takes about 30 minutes. Below is some information about the project, to help you decide whether you would like to take part. Please take time to read the following information carefully and feel free to ask us if you would like more information, or if there is anything that you do not understand. Participation in the research project is entirely voluntary. You can withdraw from the survey at any time, without having to give a reason.


The aim of this research is to develop a specific method for reusing an ontology that exploits the available information about the ontology. In this survey, I would like to get your opinion on which information is likely to be significant and to primarily influence your decision to reuse a specific ontology. The results of this questionnaire will be used in my PhD thesis and relevant research papers.


As a part of this research, this questionnaire will be used to study the practical measures that developers would prefer to figure out to decide [TRP1] reusing an ontology. The survey is entirely confidential, and there are no right or wrong answers, so you can be as honest as you like.

You will be asked to give your opinion and short answers about different aspects of ontology. These questions cover five main aspects:

1) Background information

2) General features of the ontology

3) Ontology documentation

4) Technical information about the ontology and how to reuse it

5) Conclusion

Each part includes between 3 and 9 questions. Your task is either to rate the importance of some piece of information to you, and whether it helped you to understand the ontology, or to choose from multiple options. There is also space for comments for some questions.

If you decide at any point that you would prefer not to participate in this survey, you will be free to opt-out. Please do not write anything that could identify you on the survey as participants are meant to be anonymous.

The University processes personal data as part of its research and teaching activities in accordance with the lawful basis of ‘public task’, and in accordance with the University’s purpose of “advancing education, learning and research for the public benefit.

Under UK data protection legislation, the University acts as the Data Controller for personal data collected as part of the University’s research. Reham Alharbi, Valentina Tamma, and Floriana Grasso will act as the Data Processor for this study, and any queries relating to the handling of your personal data can be sent to,, Further information on how your data will be used can be found in the table below.

*Answer is required
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