Survey to assess the level of public information about the NHS

2023,  United Kingdom

As a campaign group we are painfully aware of how much misinformation is given about the NHS. We know how much work is involved in keep abreast of NHS policy as we try to keep track of everything that is happening.  But we also believe that it is vital for the survival of our NHS that our population gets the truth about how our NHS is changing.

Please help us by filling out this form and letting us know what you understand. This will help guide us in knowing what we need to do to  raise awareness of the political changes that have been made to our NHS. Surveys are completed anonymously and should only take about 5  minutes to complete.  You will be asked to answer all the questions, and they are all multiple choice.  We are not trying to catch people out but are running this survey to assess how well information is being circulated.

Thank you for your time. 

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