BWS Executive Director Annual Review 2017

2017,  United States
As we discussed at our last Board meeting, a new evaluation process has been implemented for 2017. It was vetted by our Governance Committee and is intended to provide you an opportunity to provide your feedback on Terri's performance as well as the agency's strengths and areas for development through an electronic survey rather than long form used in prior years. As with any review process, our intent is to provide constructive feedback so that we can continue to grow and move forward as an agency. A final summary of the review will be shared with the full board. Kim Koutris, Governance Chair and I as the Board Chair will review with Terri. I ask that you provide your feedback no later than Monday, July 31st. Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter. Should you have any questions or comments, please let me know. Sincerely, Jennifer Bidlingmyer 330-310-1739
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