Alcohol Consumption Within Young People

2020,  United Kingdom

Just One Drink”: An analysis into the pressures of alcohol consumption within young people 



Welcome to the Alcohol Consumption Within Young People Survey

Taking Part 

The purpose of this survey is to record your opinions and perceptions concerning alcohol consumption practices within young people focusing mainly on university students.

This study is designed to further scientific knowledge and that all procedures have been approved by the Loughborough University Ethics Approvals (Human Participants) Sub-Committee.

Please remember to answer the questions honestly throughout the survey.

You are under no obligation to take part in the study, you have the right to withdraw from this study at any stage for any reason and will not be required to explain your reasons for withdrawing.

Use of Information

I understand that all the personal information I provide will be processed in accordance with data protection legislation on the public task basis and will be treated in strict confidence unless (under the statutory obligations of the agencies which the researchers are working with), it is judged that confidentiality will have to be breached for the safety of the participant or others or for audit by regulatory authorities.

I understand that information I provide will be used for researching purpose and the findings will be used in a mini project.

I agree that information I provide can be quoted anonymously in research outputs.

I agree to assign the copyright I hold in any materials related to this project to Natasha Hare

I agree for the anonymised data I provide to be deposited in Allcounted so that it can be made publicly available for future research at the end of the project.   

I understand that cookies and personal data stored by your web browser are not used in this survey.

I voluntarily agree to take part in this study

For our records, and to confirm your agreement with the above, please tick the box below:

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