We had an amazing 2021 talent management experience within our 3 workstreams: Engagement, Diversity & Inclusion and Career Development. I would like to continue and grow this experience for our team in 2022 and am open to transitioning the workstream participants & leaders to others who are interested.
As a Participant, you will:
•Own and drive key deliverables on project plans
•Contribute to team projects through ideation and providing perspectives
•Provide status updates on work progress on a regular basis (~2 hours/month)
As a Leader, you will:
•Establish detailed project plans
•Manage overall timeline and project coordination (incl. budget and risk)
•Coordinate work across team
•Set cadence for team meetings to drive work deliverables and report out on progress
•Provide quarterly report out
Overall, you will play a part in leading our vision to be the financial organization destination of choice internal and external to Abbott- A place where the best and brightest finance employees grow and develop, feel valued for their contributions, and can bring their full selves to work. You will also play a key role in leading our objective to focus on developing, retaining, and engaging EPHF Finance talent.
Thank you for taking the time to fill out the survey. Let's continue the great work in 2022!
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